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Example of a  Microprogrammed Computer

In this example we are going to create a simple 16-bit computer that uses three buses A, B, and C. Bus C receives its input from the ALU and provides an output to all registers. Buses A and B provide inputs to the ALU, and receive their inputs from registers. All registers are connected to bus B, but only some registers are connected to bus C.

The computer has two general-purpose registers R0 and R1, and three instruction registers I0, I1 and I2. There is a memory address register, MAR, and two memory buffer registers, MBR_read and MBR_write, The difference is that MBR_read receives data from memory during a read cycle, and MBR_write provides data to memory in a write cycle.

A key feature of the ISA (instruction set architecture) of this processor is that all instructions are three words long: an op-code, an address, and an operand. Both the address and operand are 16 bits wide and this solves the problem of operand range (it’s the same as the register width), and addressing range (the full 16-bits are supported).

The form of instructions supported are:

Register-to-register:   MOVE R0,R1, ADD R0,R0,R1

Register-to-memory:  MOVE 0x1234,R0 , ADD 0x1234,R0

Memory-to-register:  LOAD R0,0x1234, ADD R0,0x1234

Indexed memory:       MOVE R0,0x1234(R1) etc

Literal:                         ADD R0,#0x1234 etc

The classes of instruction are:

The instruction format is:

Bits            Function

15 – 13     Predicate

12 – 10     Instruction class

9 – 8          Source register

7 – 6         Destination register

5 – 2          Instruction parameter

1 – 0          Constant 0 to 3

The control signals are:

The fetch cycle

The fetch phase of each instruction requires the reading of three consecutive words, even if the instruction does not need all three words.  If we assume that the contents of the PC point to the next instruction to be fetched, the fetch phase can be represented as:

[MAR] ¬ [PC]

[PC] ¬ [PC] + 1

[MBRread] ¬ [M[MAR]]

[IR0] ¬ [MBRread]

[MAR] ¬ [PC]

[PC] ¬ [PC] + 1

[MBRread] ¬ [M[MAR]]

[IR1] ¬ [MBRread]

[MAR] ¬ [PC]

[PC] ¬ [PC] + 1

[MBRread] ¬ [M[MAR]]

[IR2] ¬ [MBRread]

Having fetched the instruction as three words, the next step is to execute it. Let’s look at a few operations.

ADD R0,R1 defined as [R0] ¬ [R0] + [R1]

In this case, we only have to copy R0 and R1 to the B and C buses, set the ALU function code to add, and then clock R0; that is ER0_B, ER0_C, F(add), CR0

Suppose the instruction had been ADD R0,P. In this case, we would have to read address P from instruction register IR1 and use it to access memory; that is,

[MAR] ¬ [IR1]

[MBRread] ¬ [M[MAR]]

[R0] ¬ [MBRread] + [R0]

The sequence of microoperations corresponding to this are:

EIR1_B, F(pass), CMAR

Read, CMBR_read

ER0_B, EMRread_C, F(add), CR0

Let’s consider a more adventurous ADD R0,(R1,0x1234). In this case we are using address register indirect with indexing. The index value is in register IR2. The RTL form of the instruction is [R0] ¬ [R0] + [M[[R1] + [IR2]]. So, we first have to add up the contents of pointer R1 and instruction register IR2 containing the offset.

EIR2_B, ER1_C, F(add), CIR2 ; This gives us the operand address in IR2

EIR2_B, F(pass), CMAR        ;now proceed as before

Read, CMBR_read

ER0_B, EMRread_C, F(add), CR0

Finally, consider a literal ADD R0,0x1234 represented by [R0] ¬ 0x1234. This could not be easier because it is the same as adding two registers, except that one is instruction register IR1. That is, is ER0_C, EIR1_B, F(add), CR0

Now for a store literal indexed in memory that uses two constants; that is, STORE (0x1234,R0),0x5678. The RTL version is [[R0] + 0x1234] ¬ 0x5678. Here we use both instruction registers IR1 and IR2.

EIR2_B, ER0_C, F(add), CMA2 ; This gives us the operand address of R0 + IR2 in the memory address register

EIR1_B, F(pass), CMBR_write  ;   Put  the literal in IR1 in the memory buffer register for writing

Write                                 ;and write to memory

Brand and Jump Operations

This class of instructions all lead to the reloading of the program counter. The program counter can be loaded from instruction register IR1 (absolute jump), a data register (register indirect jump), program counter plus IR1 (relative address) or even program counter plus register (program counter register indirect). Moreover, we can make loading the program counter dependent on the condition codes to provide conditional branching.

Let’s consider a conditional program counter relative branch of BEQ target which is expressed as

IF Z THEN [PC] ¬ [PC] + [IR1]

The sequence of microoperations for this instruction is remarkably simple.

EIR1_B, EPC_C, F(add), IF Z = 1 THEN CPC ; This generates a new address and clocks the PC if the Z-bit is set.

Extending the Processor

We can extend the processor is two simple ways to increase its flexibility. First, we are going to give it a return address register to allow simple returns from a subroutine, and, second, we are going to add a stack pointer.

We have created a stack pointer, SP, that can be loaded from the A bus, and its output deposited on the B bus. The stack pointer is an up/down counter and it provides up-clock and a down-clock inputs. These allow us to increment it and decrement it, respectively.

The Ret register can be used to store subroutine return addresses. Consider the instruction pair CALL target and RETURN. The RTL forms of these are:

CALL target:  [Ret] ¬ [PC]; [PC] ¬ [PC] + [IR1]; Save PC and add target offset to the PC to call subroutine

RETURN:      [PC] ¬ [Ret]

We can implement these in terms of the following microoperations.

CALL target: EPC_B, F(pass), CRet              ;save return address

                      EIR1_B, EPC_C, F(add), CPC    ;jump to new address

RETURN:      ERet_B, F(pass), CPC              ;restore return address to PC

This example is available as a PDF



;decrement the stack pointer

ESP_B, F(pass), CMAR

;SP to MAR for memory write

ER0_B, F(pass), CMBR_write

;R0 to MBR for memory write


;do the write and push R0


ESP_B, F(pass), CMAR, CSP_up

SP to MAR for memory read, and post increment SP

Read, CMBR_read

;read memory and clock top of stack into MBR

EMBR_read_B, F(pass), CR0

;MBR to R0

JSR target:


;decrement the stack pointer

ESP_B, F(pass), CMAR

;SP to MAR for memory write

EPC0_B, F(pass), CMBR_write

;PC to MBR for memory write


;do the write and push PC

EIR1_B, F(pass), CPC

;jump to new address


ESP_B, F(pass), CMAR, CSP_up

;SP to MAR for memory read, and postincrement SP

Read, CMBR_read     

;read memory and clock top of stack into MBR

EMBR_read_B, F(pass), CPC

;MBR to PC


Subroutine Call and Return Using the Stack      

Now let’s implement the traditional CISC-style instructions JSR target, and RTS that perform a subroutine call and return by pushing the return address on the stack (call) and pulling the return address off the stack (return). Some CISC processors used an absolute address with a JSR, rather than a program counter relative address. We can easily do this because all instructions have a 16-bit address field.        

The RTL forms of these two instructions are:

JSR target: [SP] ¬ [SP] - 1;   [[SP]] ¬ [PC]; [PC] ¬ [IR1]; Save PC and load target address in PC to call

RTS:      [PC] ¬ [[SP]]; : [SP] ¬ [SP] + 1

Push and Pull Operations

We can load and store the contents of the stack pointer using any of the microoperation sequences we used for the same operations on the R0 and R1 registers; all we need do is exchange R0 to SP, etc. Here we are ging to implement PUSH R0 and PULL R0 operations. We assume a full descending stack; that is the stack pointer points at the top item on the stack and that the stack pointer grows upwards to low addresses and is decremented before pushing and incremented after popping.

PUSH R0 is defined in RTL as [SP] ¬ [SP] – 1; [[SP]] ¬ [R0]

PULL R0 is defined in RTL as; [R0] ¬ [[SP]];  [SP] ¬ [SP] + 1

The microoperations required to implement these are: