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ARM equivalent


Constant 0

$0 or  $zero

No ARM equivalent


Reserved for the assembler


2 - 3


$v0 - $v1

4 - 7


$a0 - $a3

8 -15

temporary values

$t0 - $t7

16 - 23


$s0 - $s7

24 - 25

temporary values

$t8 - $t9

26 - 27

reserved for kernel use

$k0 - $k1


Global pointer



Stack pointer


r13 = sp


Frame pointer



Return address


r14 = link register

MIPS - Another RISC

Here we provide an introduction to the MIPS processor, one of the first reduced instruction set computers. Further details of its history can be found on the MIPS History Page.

First – a Warning

Literature on MIPS processors can be confusing for several reasons; especially to those who did not grow up on MIPS processors. First, the MIPS architecture has evolved and there are more instructions than were incorporated into the original design.

Second, there are some MIPS peculiarities in terms of the consistent use of terminology; the most significant being the use of the letter u that has different meanings in different applications. For example, the reasonably named DIVU instruction performs division with unsigned integers, whereas the woefully misnamed addu instruction performs addition without an exceptions if arithmetic overflow occurs.

Third, MIPS tests the definition of the term ISA, instruction set architecture, to the limit. The term ISA is usually defined as the assembly language programmer’s abstract view of the architecture and the ISA include the registers, instructions, and addressing modes. The designers of assemblers and simulators for MIPS have rather gone to town with the use of pseudo instructions (i.e., operations that are not part of the official ISA but which are translated into other instructions or into groups of instructions by the assembler. This feature can be confusing to the novice, because it often appears that MIPS has more instructions than it really does.


The MIPS architecture is not significantly dissimilar to that of the ARM. Both processors are examples of early RISC architectures, although current MIPS and ARM variations have come a long way from their first-generation incarnations. In many ways, the differences between MIPS and ARM architectures arise from the way in which instruction bits have been allocated. MIPS has 32 registers requiring that 3 x 5 = 15 bits be allocated to register selection. ARM has only 16 registers and that takes 3 x 4 = 12 bits. This gives the ARM a 3-bit advantage because these bits can be devoted to creating a richer instruction set.

MIPS has 32 registers, each of which is 32 bits wide – like ARM. However, there is a MIPS64 64-bit architecture that supports 64-bit registers.

At first sight, MIPS assembly level code seems confusing because of its register naming convention. MIPS registers are called $0 to $31, whereas the ARM’s registers are r0 to r15. The use of the $ prefix is part of the MIPS assembler and a rather odd convention.  MIPS programmers (like ARM programmers) follow a convention concerning the use of registers; for example, MIPS registers r4 to r7 (ok, I mean $4 to $7) are reserved for passing parameters and can be written $a0 to $a3. The MIPS programmer can write either add $4,$5,$6 or add $a0,$a1,$a2 since these operations are identical. By convention, MIPS instructions are written in lower-case font and I will follow that tradition.

MIPS register r0, $0, permanently holds the value 0 and cannot be changed. Consequently, and instruction that specifies register 0 is able to use the constant 0 without having to specify a literal. This is a clever innovation because it provides a significant extension to the ISA without the additional cost of encoding overheads. On the other hand, it loses a register. Note that register $0 can be named zero in MIPS assembly language; for example, OR $1,$1,zero. The following table describes the MIPS register set and its naming conventions/applications.

Of these 32 registers, only r0 and r31 (i.e., $0 and $31) are strictly dedicated (i.e., as part of the hardware and ISA). Registers $2 to $30 can be used as general-purpose registers without restriction. However, because the MIPS assembler makes heavy use of pseudo instructions and the translation of some pseudo instruction require an auxiliary register, register $1 is reserved for use by the assembler. That is, it is out-of-bounds to the programmer. This restriction may seem strange. The MIPS assembler uses a lot of pseudo instructions that are translated into multiple MIPS operations. The translation process often requires a temporary register and $1 (aka $at is it). By dedicating $at as a temporary register for the assembler’s use, the programmer doesn’t have to worry about the assembler inadvertently modifying one of his or her registers.

Load and Store operations

As a classic RISC, the only memory access operations that MIPS supports are load and store. These operate on 8-, 16-, and 32-bit values (byte, half word, and word in MIPS terminology) and are written:

sw      Store word                 lw     Load word

sh      Store half word        lh      Load half word

Sb      Store byte                  lb    Load byte

MIPS does not provide a lot of choice when it comes to addressing modes for load and store operations. None at all, really. The only addressing mode supported by MIPS is address register indirect with offset. This, of course, is the same as ARMs basic register indirect mode, although variations such as incrementing the register are not allowed. Typical MIPS load and store operations are:

MIPS assembly             RTL                               Operation                                                                                   ARM equivalent


lw $r2,4($r3)      [r2] ¬  [4 + [r3]]       Load $r2 from memory pointed at by r3 + 4                        LDR r2,[r3,#4]

sw $6 ,8($r4)        [8 + [r4]] ¬ [ r6]       Store $r6 in memory pointed at by $r4 + 8                          STR r6,[r4,#8]

Notice the differences between MIPS and ARM assembler styles and despair!  ARM uses the # symbol to denote a literal, whereas MIPS doesn’t because the literal is understood. One assembler uses round brackets and the other square brackets. One assembler puts the offset within the brackets and the other puts the offset outside the brackets.

MIPS, unlike ARM and many other processors does not provide a simple register-to-register data copy operation. However, a pseudo move can be created using a data processing operation where one of the operands is $0 (i.e., 0). The operation is addu (add unsigned). We can write

Pseudo operation        Action                                                               Actual MIPS code

MOVE $3,$2             copies register $2 to register $3                  addu $2,$0,$2  

MOVE $2,$0             clears register $2 because $2 = 0                addu $2,$0,$0  

Registers can be loaded with a literal. MIPS provides a 16-bit literal field and specifies literal operations via the mnemonic rather than by the use of a # tag to prefix the literal. Consider:

li  $4,0x1234  load register $4 with  the 16-bit value 0001001000110100 and zero-fill to 32 bits.

Here, the mnemonic li (load literal) indicates the nature of the operand, rather than the use of a tag as in the ARM’s MOV r1,#0xAB.

The operation li is, in fact, a pseudo instruction. The MIPS assembler actually translates the instruction Li $4,0x1234 into ori $4,$r0,0x1234. Performing a logical OR between register r0 (containing 0) and a literal, yields the literal which is copied to the destination register.

Let’s look at a simple example of MIPS code. We load two registers, add them, load a third register and then stop.

      .text                  #start of program                                                                                       AREA

main: li      $t1,0x1234     #load register r9 with 0x00001234                                                        LDR r1,=0x1234        

      li      $t2,0xAC       #load register r10 with 0x000000AC                                                      MOV r2,#0xAC

      addu    $t3,$t2,$t1    #add r9 to r10 and put the result in r10                                                 ADD r3,r2,r1

      li      $t4,0xFFEE     #load register r12 with 0x0000FFEE                                                        MOV r3,0xFFEE

      li      $v0,10         #load register r2 with the message to terminate execution               MOV r10,N

      syscall                #call the OS to carry out the function specified by r2                         SVC #M

      .end    main           #end of program

At the right of the comment field we’ve provided approximately corresponding ARM instructions in red. Below is a snapshot of the screen when this code has been loaded into the popular, freely available MIPS simulator colled SPIM. By convention MIPS programs are terminated with a call to the operating system that involves loading a constant into a register and then calling a software interrupt (SYSCALL for MIPS which corresponds to SVC for ARM).

The .end main assembler directive terminates the program.

Note some of the differences between MIPS (SPIM) and ARM (Keil) assembly conventions. A SPIM program begins with .text (indented) and the first line must begin with the label main:. SPIM labels are terminated by a colon. ARM comment fields begin with a semicolon and SPIM fields begin with a hash.

After setting the PC to the start of the code 0x00400000, the code has been executed to give the following result.

Loading 32-bit Values in the MIPS World

Different RISC processors have different ways of handling 32-bit constants. The ARM is blessed with program counter relative addressing which means that a constant (i.e., address) representing a memory location near to the present PC can be generated by adding a constant to the current PC value; that is, a constant X to be loaded into r2 is generated by X = PC + Y using ADD r2,PC,#Y. However, if the constant cannot be generated in this way, it is dumped into memory as a constant and then loaded using a program counter relative addressing mode such as LDR r2,[pc,#offset]. The assembler automatically performs this sleight of hand.

MIPS takes a different approach. Since it can handle a 16-bit constant, two trips to memory can assemble a 32-bit constant. All you have to do is fetch the low-order 16-bit value, fetch the high-order 16-bit value, shift the high-order bits 16 places left and then concatenate them. Fortunately, this sequence is simplified by the use of the lui (load upper immediate instruction). This instruction loads a 16-bit literal and shifts it right 16-places, so that lui $t0,0x1234 has the effect of loading $t0 with 0x12340000.

The use of the load immediate instruction means that you can load a 32-bit literal 0x12345678 by:

lui $t0,0x5678          # get the upper-order 16 bits

lui $t0,$t0,0x1234      # concatenate with the low-order 16 bits

MIPS Data-processing Instructions

MIPS has a conventional set of data processing instructions and uses a three operand register-to-register format very much like that of the ARM. These instructions are:

add   $t2,$t1,$t0   # [t2] ¬ [t1] + [t0]                                                                 (ARM ADD  r2,r1,r0)

addu  $t2,$t1,$t0   # [t2] ¬ [t1] + [t0] ignore overflow                                   (ARM ADD  r2,r1,r0)

addi  $t2,$t1,N     # [t2] ¬ [t1] + N                                                                    (ARM ADD  r2,r1,#N

addiu $t2,$t1,N     # [t2] ¬ [t1] + N ignore overflow                                      (ARM ADD  r2,r1,#N)

sub   $t2,$t1,$t0   # [t2] ¬ [t1] - [t0]                                                                (ARM SUB  r2,r1,r0)

subu  $t2,$t1,$t0   # [t2] ¬ [t1] - [t0]                                                                (ARM SUB  r2,r1,r0)

subi  $t2,$t1,N     # [t2] ¬ [t1] - N                                                                    (ARM SUB  r2,r1,#N)

subiu $t2,$t1,N     # [t2] ¬ [t1] - N                                                                    (ARM SUB  r2,r1,#N)

mul   $t1,$t0       # [hi,lo] ¬ [t1] * [t0] 32-bit x 32-bit                                (ARM MUL  r2,r1,r0)

mulu  $t1,$t0       # [hi,lo] ¬ [t1] * [t0] 32-bit x 32-bit unsigned              (ARM MUL  r2,r1,r0)

div   $t1,$t0       # [hi,lo] ¬ [t1] / [t0]                                                            no ARM equivalent

divu  $t1,$t0       # [hi,lo] ¬ [t1] / [t0]                                                            no ARM equivalent  

and   $t2,$t1,$t0   # [t2] ¬ [t1] . [T0]                                                                 (ARM AND  r2,r1,r0)

andi  $t2,$t1,$t0   # [t2] ¬ [t1] . N                                                                     (ARM AND  r2,r1,#N)

or    $t2,$t1,$t0   # [t2] ¬ [t1] + [t0]                                                                (ARM ORR  r2,r1,r0)

ori   $t2,$t1,$t0   # [t2] ¬ [t1] + N                                                                   (ARM ORR  r2,r1,#N)

nor   $t2,$t1,$t0   # [t2] ¬ [t1] + [t0]                                                               no ARM equivalent  

xor   $t2,$t1,$t0   # [t2] ¬ [t1] Å [t0]                                                              (ARM EOR  r2,r1,r0

xor   $t2,$t1,N     # [t2] ¬ [t1] Å N                                                                 (ARM EOR  r2,r1,#N)

not   $t2,$t1       # [t2] ¬ [t1]                                                                         (ARM MOVN r2,r1)

Most of these operations are self-explanatory. The add and subtract operations with a u extension indicate that the overflow flag is not to be set after the operation.

The multiply operation is true 32-bit x 32-bit which creates a 64-bit product. The ARM performs 16-bit by 16-bit multiplication to create a 32-bit product. MIPS uses a special 64-bit register whose upper 32 bits are called HI, and whose lower 32 bits are called LO. Two dedicated move instructions exist to transfer the two halves of a 64-bit product from HI:LO to a user register.

mfhi $t0    # transfer the high-order 32 bits of the product register to $t0

mflo $t1    # transfer the low-order 32 bits of the product register to $t1

MIPS Shift Operations

In principal there are 16 types of shift operation (arithmetic, logical, circular, and circular through carry, x2 for left/right x2 for static and dynamic). Most processors don’t provide this full set (although the 68K CISC comes close to it). Indeed, it’s not necessary because you can synthesize one shift from another.  MIPS has a very modest number of shift operations:

Instruction Action ARM equivalent

sll  $t1,$t2,4 shift left logical 4 places                                                               (ARM  MOV r1,r2, lsl #4)

srl  $t1,$t2,8 shift right logical 8 places                                                            (ARM  MOV r1,r2, lsr #8)

sra  $t1,$t2,1 shift right arithmetically 1 place                                                 (ARM  MOV r1,r2, asr #1)

srlv $t1,$t2,$t3 shift right logical by the number of place in $t3                 (ARM  MOV r1,r2, lsr r3)

sllv $t1,$t2,$t3 shift left logical by the number of place in $t3                   (ARM   MOV r1,r2, lsl r3)

srav $t1,$t2,$t3 shift right arithmetically  by the number of place in $t3  (ARM   MOV r1,r2, asr r3)

Example of a MIPS Program

Suppose we have to calculate F = (A2 + B + C) x 32 + 4, where A, B, and D are consecutive 32 bits values in memory. We will also assume that the result fits into 32 bits (i.e., we don’t have to consider extended arithmetic). The following code follows typical MIPS assembler conventions. The data area indicated by .data defines and initializes variables and reserves space.

       .data                     # start of data area

A:     .word   2                 # define 32-bit variable A and initialize to 2 (ARM DCW)

B:     .word   3                 # offset of B is 4 bytes from A

C:     .word   4                 # offset of D is 8 bytes from A

D:     .space  4                 # define 32-bit variable D and reserve 4 bytes (ARM DS)

       .text                     # start of program

main:  la      $t1,A             # load register t1 with the address of A        

      lw      $t2,($t1)         # load register t2 with the value of A

      mult    $t2,$t2           # calculate A * A with 64-bit result in HI:LO

      mflo    $t2               # get low-order 32 bits of product  from LO in $t2

      lw      $t3,4($t1)        # get B

      add     $t2,$t2,$t3       # calculate A*A + B

      lw      $t3,8($t1)        # get C

      add     $t2,$t2,$t3       # calculate A*A + B + C

      sll     $t2,$t2,5         # calculate (A*A + B + C) * 32

      addi    $t2,$t2,4         # calculate (A*A + B + C) * 32 + 4

      sw      $t2,12($t1)       # save result in D

      li      $v0,10            # load register r2 (v$0) with the terminate message

      syscall                   # call the OS to carry out the function specified by r2

      .end     main


The following figure demonstrates the effect of loading this code into the MARS MIPS simulator and executing it. This MIPS simulator conforms to the standards set by SPIM and reads the same source file (a text file created by Notepad with a .s extension). The code area is pre-assigned to start at 0x00400000 and the data area at 0x10010000. Note that pseudo instructions like la $t1,A (load address) are automatically expanded.

In this example, I’ve declared variable A, set up a pointer in $t1 to A, and then the other variables are accessed by offsets from A; for example variable B is accessed at 4($t1). Although labels B, C, and D are declared in the data area, this is not necessary because these names are not referenced in the rest of the code. However, naming the variables makes it easier to read the program.

Branches and Flow Control

So far, we’ve looked at load and store instructions. The next step is to introduce conditional operations that  permit constructs like IF…THEN…ELSE and WHILE X < 4 { action}.

MIPS has an unconditional branch, like ARM and most processors. Its assembly language form is b target, where target is a label. The target address is stored in the instruction as a 16-bit literal. Since instruction addresses are always aligned with 32-bit (4-byte) boundaries, the 16-bit literal provides bits b17 – b02 of an address and bits b01 and b00 are zero. The addressing mode is program counter relative (true for the ARM and IA32) so that the literal is added to the contents of the program counter as a signed offset to permit a 128K-byte branch forward or back from the current PC value.

MIPS conditional branches are unlike those of the ARM, IA32 and 68K architectures. The branch condition is not dependent on a set of flags or condition codes, it is dependent on the outcome of a defined operation. This operation is a register comparison; for example, a branch on zero is written:

beq  $t0,$t1,target   #branch to target if [t0] = [t1]

All branches use a 16-bit signed offset that is sign-extended to 18 bits and added to the program counter to generate the actual target address.

The corresponding branch on not equal is:

bne  $t0,$t1,target   #branch to target is [t0] ¹ [t1]

Consider the following example where we use a loop to add the first ten integers and store the result in memory. The code is:

       .data                         # start of data area

sum:  .space   4                # define 32-bit variable for the result

      .text                     # start of program

main: la      $t0,sum           # load register t0 with the address of the result

      li      $t1,1             # we are going to add 10 integers starting with 1

      li      $t2,10            # 10 to count

      li      $t3,0             # clear the sum in t3

next: add     $t3,$t3,$t1       # add the next increment

      addi    $t1,$t1,1         # add 1 to the next increment

      bne     $t1,$t2,next      # are we there yet? If not repeat

      sw      $t3,($t0)         # if we are, store sum in memory

      li      $v0,10            # and stop

      syscall                   #   

     .end     main

The following snapshot demonstrates the assembled code and the register contents after execution.

Other conditional branches are:

blt $t0,$t1,target #  branch to target if  $t0 < $t1

ble $t0,$t1,target #  branch to target if  $t0 £ $t1

bgt $t0,$t1,target #  branch to target if  $t0 > $t1

bge $t0,$t1,target #  branch to target if  $t0 ³ $t1

There are fewer MIPS conditional branches than is traditional. Other conditions must be synthesized.

MIPS  Jumps and Subroutine Calls

MIPS provides three jump instructions. Two of them permit a jump to a semi-absolute location, and one is a jump to a location specified by the contents of a register (i.e., register indirect). These are:

j target    #  jump to target

jal target  #  jump to subroutine label and save return address in link register $s31

jalr target #  jump to subroutine label and save return address in link register $s31

jr $t0      #  jump to address in $t0

The unconditional jump and jump with link are unusual in the sense that they have a much larger literal than any other MIPS instruction. The literal is 26 bits wide and is used to generate a 28-bit absolute byte jump address within the page specified by the four high order bits of the PC. That is, the target address is given by:

pc31 pc30 pc29 pc28 i25 i24 i23 … i01 i00 0 0

I called this a semi-absolute address because it is absolute within the current page. However, it is not a relative address which is created by adding or subtracting an offset from the PC.

The MIPS subroutine call is essentially the same as the ARM equivalent; a jump is executed and the return address is saved in a register. MIPS uses register $31 for this purpose. A return from subroutine is implemented by executing jr $31. Which is normally written jr $a, because the alias of $31 is $a. Consider the following example.

Here we simply use a subroutine to perform the addition. We do not pass the parameters in the registers; that is, the subroutine always adds $t0 to $t1 and returns the result in $t3.

       .text                  # start of program

Main:  li      $t0,20         # load register $t0 with the value 20

       li      $t1,42         # load register $t1 with the value 42

       jal     addup          # call a subroutine to do $t0 + $t1 and save the return address

       move    $t4,$t3        # copy the result to $t4

       li      $v0,10         # time to go home...

       syscall                #

addup: add     $t3,$t1,$t0    # do the addition leaving the result in $t3

       jr      $ra            # return using the saved address in $ra

                 .end     main       

We have indicated the call and return pair in bold red font. The following figure shows the execution of the code immediately after the subroutine has been called by the jal instruction.

Let’s look at the code in more detail (see the following figure). The jal addup  at memory location 0x00400008  is encoded as 0x0c100006. The least-significant 28 bits provide the address, which is 000100000000000000000110 in binary. Two zeros are concatenated at the least-significant end and the most significant bits of the PC are concatenated at the most significant end.

Since the pc is currently 0x00400008, the most significant four bits of the pc are 0000. This now gives a branch address of 000000010000000000000000011000 which corresponds to 0x01000018 which is indeed the address of the subroutine.

By convention when a subroutine is called in a MIPS environment, parameters are passed to the called subroutine in argument registers $a0-$a3. Any additional parameters would be passed via the stack. After calling the routine with jal, the subroutine should save the return address in $ra on the stack unless the subroutine will never call another subroutine. Parameters can be returned in registers $v0-$v1.

This arrangement is faster than using the stack and is possible because of the MIPS’s relatively large number of registers compared to CISCs and the ARM. Following this convention, we would write the previous code as:

main:  li      $a0,20         # load parameter register $a0 with the value 20

      li      $a1,42         # load parameter register $a1 with the value 42

      jal     addup          # call a subroutine to do $a0 + $a1 and save the return address

      move    $t4,$v0        # copy the result to $t4

      li      $v0,10         # time to go home...

                  syscall                                                #

addup: add     $v0,$a1,$a0    # do the addition returning the result in $v0

      jr      $ra            # return using the saved address in $ra

      .end    main

The Set Instructions

MIPS lacks a conventional global condition code register. Branches are made on explicit comparisons; for example bgt $t0,$t1,next forces a branch to the line labelled by next in register $t0 is greater than register $t1. However, you can set up your own flags by using one of the MIPS set instructions. When a set instruction is executed the destination register is set if the comparison is true and cleared otherwise.

The set instructions are:

slt   $t0,$t1,$t2 Set on less than signed                       IF [$t1] < [$t2] THEN [$t0]  ¬ 1; ELSE [$t0 ] ¬ 0

slti  $t0,$t1,N Set on less than immediate signed        IF [$t1] < N       THEN [$t0]  ¬ 1; ELSE [$t0 ] ¬ 0

sltu  $t0,$t1,$t2 Set on less than unsigned                  IF [$t1] < [$t2] THEN [$t0]  ¬ 1; ELSE [$t0 ] ¬ 0

sltiu $t0,$t1,N Set on less than immediate unsigned   IF [$t1] < N       THEN [$t0]  ¬ 1; ELSE [$t0 ] ¬ 0

Suppose you require a subroutine that performed if x < y THEN F = 2·Z ELSE F = Z. We can write

     slt  $t0,$a0,$a1      # $a0 is parameter x and $a1 is parameter y

     move $v0,$a2          # $v0 is the returned value of Z (initially F, i.e., $a2)

     sllv $v0,$a2,$t0      # return 2·Z if x < y (note shift by 0 leaves result unchanged)

     jr   $ra              # return

Here, we are using the set lower instruction to return the value 0 or 1 in a register, and then are using that value to perform a zero length shift (no change) or a 1-bit shift (multiply by 2). In general, the set instruction would be used to implement conditional branching. The following figure demonstrates the use of the above subroutine.

Example: Putting things together –  Summing the Contents of an Array

Consider the following. We are going to add the 8 wordlength integer elements of an array.

int i, s, a[10];

    for (s = i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)

    s = s + a[i];

main:  li   $t1,0             # i = 0  MOV  r1,#8

      li   $t2,0             # s = 0  MOV  r2,#0

      li   $t3,8             # Loop limit  

      la   $t4,a             # $t4 points to the array a ADR  r4,a

loop:  lw   $t5,0($t4)        # Read element of a LDR  r5,[r4,#4]

      addi $t4,$t4,4         # Increment pointer to next element

      add  $t2,$t2,$t5       # Add in this element to s ADD  r2,r2,r5

      addi $t1,$t1,1         # Increment loop transit count I SUBS r1,r1,#1

      bne  $t1,$t3,loop      # Repeat until loop count hits limit BNE  loop

I have put the (almost) corresponding ARM code in the comment field. In the ARM version, we count down which enables us to use a simple branch on zero rather than a compare register branch. Moreover, indexed addressing allows us to save an instruction because we don’t need to explicitly update the pointer.

Interlude: The System Call and Further Assembler Directives

All microprocessors have some form of system call or software interrupt or user-defined exception or trap that calls an operating system function. MIPS uses the syscall instruction that takes no arguments. Simulators for MIPS have incorporated the syscall and have provided useful functions to help the student writing programs. In particular, syscall can be used to implement console input/output; that is, you can read from a keyboard and printed text in a window. Consider the following example that prints a banner inviting input and then displays the input in reverse order. The input is terminated by an uppercase A, whose ASCII code is 0x41.

We use the directive .asciiz that creates an ASCII-encoded string of bytes using the text string in quotes. This string is terminated with a null byte, zero, which can be used as a string-end marker; for example, assciiz “123B” would result in the string of five bytes 0x31,0x32,0x33,0x42,0x00. If you wish to store a sting without a terminator, you would use .ascii.


banner: .asciiz "\nInput a string\n"  # Null terminated ASCII string

buffer: .space 64

newln:  .asciiz "\n"


main:   li   $v0,4         # Print header string. 4 = print string code

       la   $a0,banner    # $a0 is pointer to string

       syscall            # Now go print

       la   $t0,buffer    # Point to the input buffer

       li   $t1,0         # Reset character counter

getch:  li   $v0,12        # Code to input a character

       syscall            # Call OS to put character in $v0

       sb   $v0,($t0)     # Store this char in buffer - it's a byte

       addi $t1,$t1,1     # Increment character counter

       addi $t0,$t0,1     # and increment buffer pointer by 1

       subi $v0,$v0,0x41  # Stop on terminator (letter A)

       bne  $v0,$0,getch  # repeat until zero

       li   $v0,4         # Print new line

       la   $a0,newln     # Point to new line sequence

       syscall            # Do the printing

putch:  subi $t1,$t1,1     # Decrement the character counter

       subi $t0,$t0,1     # and decrement the pointer

       lb   $a0,($t0)     # Get character to print in argument register

       li   $v0,11        # Set command to print character

       syscall            # Print the character

       bne  $t1,$0,putch  # Continue until all printed

       li   $v0,10        # and end here


       .end main

In this example, the red font indicate the assembler directives associated with the text and the blue font indicates the system calls. The .asciiz directive allows us to enter standard ASCII-encoded text as a sequence of bytes. Note that the string of characters is enclosed by double quotes. Moreover, we can use the \n to indicate a newline.

In this example, the codes loaded into parameter register $v0 prior to a system call are:

10  The usual code to terminate a program

4    The code to print a string of characters pointed at by register $a0 prior to the system call

12 The code to input a single character into register $a0

11 The code to print the value in register $a0 as its ASCII equivalent

The code is straightforward. We input a character, increment the character counter, and then store it. We use the sb (store byte instruction) and then increment the character pointer by 1 because we are storing a byte and MIPS is byte addressed.

When we have detected the terminator (in this case an uppercase A) we reverse the process and print a character until the character count winds down to zero.

MIPS to ARM Transition

Some readers will be making a transition from  the MIPS world to the ARM world. I have provided a short article on MIPS and ARM differences.

Click to go to MIPS instruction encoding

Click to go to MIPS instruction encoding